The paths of REST end-points:
The end-point path consists of three parts:
- api-mount-path -- the path that assigned in the
method called to bind the ModelAPIExpress to your main application. This path could be omitted in two cases: 1) the path omitted in theuse
method, or 2) the ModelAPIExpress is main application (it's also possible) - model-exposition-path - by default it is the collection name of exposed
Model. This path could be overrided by assigning
api-option on the Model-routes level (see API-configuration) - additional-path - by default it is omitted. It could be assigned by
api-option on the end-point level (see API-configuration)
merest grants that assigned by default paths for different end-points are not intercepted, but it doesn't control the interception for custom assigned paths.
Common responses
404 - Document was not found (or doesn't exist)
merest returns this response if it couldn't find the Document (including
just created) by id in the url and/or doesn't match the assigned filter
Status: 404
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{"error": true, "code": 404, "message": "..."}
405 - End-point is not supported:
merest returns this response if requested path doesn't associated with any handler.
Note: instead of common practice for HTTP merest return 405 HTTP Response code, but not 404 that means: Document was not found (or doesn't exist).
Status: 405
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{"error": true, "code": 405, "message": "Not Supported"}
422 - Validation error
Status: 422
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error": true,
"code": 422,
"message": "..."
[,"errors": {
[,"stack": [
The fields errors
and stack
are optional.
End-point options
Returns list of available end-points with short description.
OPTIONS /end-point-path/ HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
If you client doesn't support OPTIONS HTTP-method directly, use this message:
POST /end-point-path/ HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
X-HTTP-Method-Override: OPTIONS
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
["method", "path", "descriptions"],
["method", "path", "descriptions"],
["method", "path", "descriptions"]
Other responses:
- 405 - End-point is not supported
End-point search
Returns the list of Documents that satisfy query passed to call.
Request for end-point mounted on GET
GET /end-point-path/[?field1=value1&field2=value2&_sort=fieldName&_limit=number&_skip=number] HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
Query String could contain pares field=value separated by the Also query string could contain three additional parameters: These parameters (all of them or any of them) will be ignored if
appropriate API-configuration option will be assigned to To use all MongoDB query opportunities you could mount the In security reasons I don't recommend to do so. The better way is to extend Model
with static methods that accepts only necessary parameters and builds safe query.
However merest allows you to mount Request for end-point mounted on Success: If no one Document found, the merest returns empty Array Other responses: Creates new Document, finds it and returns to the client. Request: Responses: Success: 406 - Method doesn't allow to update object Other responses: The Response with status code 404 could be returned if created object doesn't
match Returns Document of the exposed Model by its id specified in the URL. Request: Responses: Success: Other responses: Updates the existing Document, returns it to the client. Request: Responses: Success: Other responses: Finds Document by id specified in the URL, deletes it and returns empty
JSON-object to the client. Request: If you client doesn't support DELETE HTTP-method directly, use this message: Responses: Success: Other responses: Example: You could access the following fields inside a transforming function: You should reassign Calling API: Output: Also you can run this example:&
Since the merest v. 1.2.0 the extended search opportunties is avaliable:
on the POST HTTP-method and specify additional-path
end-point on POST method and
form query on the client-side.POST
:POST /end-point-path/[?_sort=fieldName&_limit=number&_skip=number] HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
<Mongoose Query-Object>
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ ... },
{ ... }
{ ... }
:POST /end-point-path/ HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
<Mongoose Model Object>
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ ... }
Status: 406
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"error": true,
"code": 406,
"message": "This method doesn't allow to update a(n) ${Model.name}"
api-option specified on the exposition.
:GET /end-point-path/:id HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ ... }
:POST /end-point-path/:id HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
Content-Type: application/json
<Mongoose $set-object>
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
{ ... }
:DELETE /end-point-path/:id HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
POST /end-point-path/ HTTP/1.1
HOST: hostname:port
X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE
Status: 200
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Response customization
allows to customize all responses. In order to do that you should define
function that transforms prepared response and specify this function in api configuration// api.js
var api = new merest.ModelAPIExpress({
transformResponse: prepareResponse
function prepareResponse(req, res) {
var body = {
status: this.status,
data: this.body
this.status = 200;
this.body = body;
-- the HTTP Statusthis.body
-- the response bodythis.apiMethod
-- the API end-point name (create
, search
, details
-- the name of exposed instance methodthis.apiStaticMethod
-- the name of exposed static methodthis.api
-- the API-object (the child of express
-- the router dispatches end-points related the modelthis.model
-- the model namethis.status
and this.body
to override default HTTP-response.
The function returns nothing.curl -X OPTIONS http://localhost:1337/api/v1/
"status": 200,
"data": [
["options", "/api/v1/", "List all end-points of current application"],
["options", "/api/v1/vectors/", "List API-options for vectors"],
["get", "/api/v1/vectors/", "List/Search all vectors"],
["post", "/api/v1/vectors/", "Create a new Vector"],
["get", "/api/v1/vectors/:id", "Find a Vector by Id"],
["post", "/api/v1/vectors/:id", "Find a Vector by Id and update it (particulary)"],
["delete", "/api/v1/vectors/:id", "Find a Vector by Id and delete it."]
git clone https://github.com/DScheglov/merest.git
cd merest
npm install
node examples/transform-response/server.js
Next (Installation) >