
Mongoose Express REST-full API

merest provides easy way to expose Mongoose models as REST-full api. It creates pointed bellow end-points:

For each api-application:
  • all api options: OPTIONS..\
For each exposed model:
  • model api options: OPTIONS ..\model-plural-name\
  • search: GET ..\model-plural-name\
  • create: POST ..\model-plural-name\
  • details: GET ..\model-plural-name\:id
  • update: POST ..\model-plural-name\:id
  • delete: DELETE ..\model-plural-name\:id

Generally merest allows to:

  • create rest api for many models
  • create many rest interfaces for one model
  • restrict the set of documents that are accessible via API
  • configure of each mentioned above end-points
  • expose static and instance methods of the Model
  • create and expose swagger documentation of your rest api
  • serve the swagger-ui

Getting started with merest

'use strict';

const merest = require('merest');
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const methodOverride = require('method-override');

// Defining model
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Contact = mongoose.model('Contact', new mongoose.Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  phone: String,
  tags: [String]

// Creating the Express application to serve API
const api = new merest.ModelAPIExpress();

api.use(bodyParser.json()); // Parsing JSON-bodies
api.use(methodOverride()); // Supporting HTTP OPTIONS and HTTP DELETE methods

api.expose(Contact); // Exposing our API

api.listen(8000, () => {
  console.log('Express server listening on port 8000');

Calling API:

curl -X OPTIONS http://localhost:8000/


  ["options","/","List all end-points of current application"],
  ["options","/contacts/","List API-options for contacts"],
  ["get","/contacts/","List/Search all contacts"],
  ["post","/contacts/","Create a new Contact"],
  ["get","/contacts/:id","Find a Contact by Id"],
  ["post","/contacts/:id","Find a Contact by Id and update it (particulary)"],
  ["delete","/contacts/:id","Find a Contact by Id and delete it."]

Getting contact list:

curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/contacts
    "_id": "58503799b1ab13090f2eeb31",
    "name": "Jack London",
    "email": "",
    "__v": 0,
    "phone": "+4123464575647",
    "tags": ["author", "american"]
  }, {
    "_id": "585276ca2aadb34477ad4034",
    "name": "Taras Shevchenko",
    "email": "",
    "__v": 0,
    "tags": ["author", "poet", "painter", "national hero", "ukrainian"]

Integrating merest into existing projects

'use strict';

const merest = require('merest-swagger'); // to support SwaggerUI
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const methodOverride = require('method-override');

// Defining model
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const Contact = mongoose.model('Contact', new mongoose.Schema({
  name: { type: String, required: true },
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  phone: String,
  tags: [String]

const app = express();
// Creating the Express application to serve API
const api = new merest.ModelAPIExpress({
  title: 'Contact List API',
  host: 'localhost:8000', // Assign correct host that could be accessed from your network
  path: '/api/v1',
  options: false // we do not need the OPTIONS any more

app.use(bodyParser.json()); // Parsing JSON-bodies
app.use(methodOverride()); // Supporting HTTP OPTIONS and HTTP DELETE methods

api.expose(Contact); // Exposing our API
api.exposeSwaggerUi(); // Exposing swagger-ui

app.use('/api/v1', api); // mounting API as usual sub-application

app.listen(8000, () => {
  console.log('Express server listening on port 8000');

Going to swagger-ui in browser: http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui:

Next (Installation) >